60 years of experience in manufacturing taught us a lot, starting from how to select the best quality of fiber until realising how a small change of our actions can cause a chain reaction to a better future.
In our perception the pursuit of sustainability is to lower the number of world polluting factors to the minimum. The first step was made in 2017 when our company started using only green energy. That means all of the power provided to our manufacturing area is only from renewable sources.

The concept of linen and its natural sustainability is pretty much clear to everyone – it is durable, naturally biodegradable and recyclable. Flax fiber does not require the use of any pesticides or chemicals to grow. But there are plenty of other materials that are not so eco-friendly, that may take hundreds of years to moulder and produce tons of toxic waste during the process. Our, as green company, responsibility is to reduce the amount of thrown fabrics. That’s when recycled yarns took a place in our collections.
We believe that recovering something for a new life is one of the most beautiful process that human hands have created. Started from simply weaved few-coloured fabrics with recycled yarns, we are now launching collections with many designs, colours, structures and already sewed items. In recycled collection you now may find our new partners “Hack your jeans” and try something very unusual and new – linen and recycled jeans blend. It may seem that we have done a lot caring about the environment, but we still had a long way to go to implement our sustainabiliy policy.


When we first heard about the Fashion Revolution movement we were happy as the manufacturers to share it with world – WE MADE YOUR CLOTHES. This is not something you might take part in, you must be a part of it. The whole idea of transparency is a perfect way to show our clients process of creating – from weaving until packing and labelling clothes. Since whole process of production is made at our factory we are glad to share it with you. Meet our team, people who are making linen worth wearing and using:

Better cotton initiative

Starting from 2020 we are also a member of BCI. Better cotton initiative is a global not-for-profit organisation that provides training on more sustainable farming practices, together with partners to more than two million cotton farmers in 21 countries. In the 2017-18 cotton season, licenced BCI Farmers produced more than five million metric tonnes of ‘Better Cotton’ – that accounts for around 19% of global cotton production! Numbers and the feeling belonging to such organization are amazing! Even better knowing when our customers recognises these three letters and values them as well as we do.

Reusable products

Plastic pollution in the world is no wonder or secret. The question remains for each of us – do we want to contribute to it by increasing or decreasing it?
We believe that you want to reduce the amount of plastic you consume and make a conscious choice of reusable items and you will be satisfied with durable, natural linen shopping and storage bags, which were made reusing all of the leftovers from the production, including the salvadges. Three words RE-duce, RE-use, RE-cycle defines our zero waste collection.

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Global recycled standard

These three words you can now see next to our company’s name are the best evaluation for our long-standing goal. Obtaining such a certificate means being universally recognized as a sustainable, responsible company that offers a range of recycled fabrics and ready-made products.

Control Union since 2008 ensure that these certificates are issued only to companies that meet the requirements of a transparent production chain, social and environmental practices and chemical restrictions. After a long aspiratipon, this certificate is already in our hands, which only further obliges us as manufacturers to expand the range of recycled fabrics.

By expanding this assortment, we are one of the first to start the development of recycling the linen waste that are left after the manufacturing process. This recycling project was developed together with our partners in Spain, Belda Llorens, and the most exciting part of this project is that from now on our production leaves no linen waste! Recycled yarns are often synthetic, but we have been able to achieve a new result in the market and deliver you 100% recycled linen yarn together with the fabrics and products made from it.

Change of the concept

There are not only major decisions that are worth calling eco. We live under few simple rules in our everyday life that cause not less of an impact:
• We are not utilizing cut offs – they are donated to social institutions, where many handicrafts are created by children, elderly or disabled people;
• We are offering linen bags to replace the plastic ones;
• We are under the policy “Think before you print” – this helps us to reduce paper use;
• Our manufacturing areas are all in the same place – this helps us to reduce CO2 consuming while transporting;
• And of course, we are sorting the garbage everywhere and always;

When people are empowered with knowledge, the result is achieved with pleasure. We firmly believe that this is only the beginning of changing the point of view and we promise these small steps we made are not even close to be all that we are up for the future. There has never been and will not be too much of a concern for the surrounding environment and our future.

Linen – environmentally friendly fiber

Carbon capture
Each hectare of flax (the plant from which linen yarn is made) captures 3.7 tonnes of CO2.

Maintains Soil Quality
The production of linen doesn‘t make any harm for nature, because the growing plant doesn‘t exhaust the soil. Flax works as a rotation crop; when swapped on land every 6 – 7 years it can boost soil quality,
and increase yields of the next crop.

Reduced Water Use
Linen plants grow quite quickly, so there is no need to feed plants, to treat with pesticides as many other plants which are used for fabrics production. If linen was replaced with cotton cultivation it would require an extra 650.000 million cubic meters of water. Flax crops do not require irrigation (extra water), the crop can grow with rain fall alone. Natural coloured Linen is fully biodegradable

Trying to be ecological

All chemicals and dyestuff used at our mill comply with the European REACH compliance legislation.

All waste plastics and papers are separated and sent for recycling.



Contact Us

    office@linas.lt +370 45 506100

    S. Kerbedzio str. 23
    LT-35113 Panevezys, Lithuania

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