Regarding the resigning of the members of Audit committee, director and chairman of the Board
Regarding the resigning of the members of Audit committee, director and chairman of the Board
AB “Linas” informing:
Inga Mikeniene and Daivute Bareisiene are resigning from the positions of independent members of the Audit committee from August 31, 2018.
Daiva Minkeviciene is resigning from the position of the director from August 31, 2018.
On August 23, 2018 the Supervisory Council has recalled Daiva Minkeviciene from the members of the Board and has elected head of finances Egidijus Mikeliunas as a member of the Board.
On August 24, 2018 Egidijus Mikeliunas is elected as the Chairman of the Board of AB “Linas”.
Daiva Minkeviciene
+370 45 506100