Soft linen in eco way


For us, sustainability not only trend, but our style of working. We believe that circular economy (reduce­ – reuse – recycle) is right way to go, because it is only way to reduce textile pollution in all fashion supply chain.  We use linen textile waste as new resource and offer a wide range of recycled linen fabrics, but it’s not enough for us! The circular economy approach should not be restricted to just the recycling of fibers themselves, but should also be extended to finishing auxiliaries. So from now on we can offer not only recycled fabrics, but also new finishing type “HA-eco”.  In this new finishing type we use sustainable and eco-friendly fabrics softener, which is made from recycled “end-of-life” silicones. After HA-eco finishing linen fabric become soft, less creasing, stay breathable, safe to recycle and use as new resource again!



Contact Us +370 45 506100

    S. Kerbedzio str. 23
    LT-35113 Panevezys, Lithuania

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